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Ronaldo Science Lab was established in 2005 with the goal this is strong text of conducting scientific researches connected with actual issues that are important for our government, state, and society. Using up-to-date equipment and being guided by the latest scientific innovations, our laboratory conducts scientific researches and offers great opportunities for enthusiasts to take part in some of researches and scientific project we carry out on a regular basis. We pay a lot of attention to teaching youth the basics of science, biology, chemistry and other disciplines in an exciting and entertaining way. That’s what the Ronaldo Science Laboratory has been about since 2005, when our first crime lab was born.

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Ronaldo Science Lab was established in 2005 with the goal this is inline link of conducting scientific researches connected with actual issues that are important for our government, state, and society. Using up-to-date equipment and being guided by the latest scientific innovations, our laboratory conducts scientific researches and offers great opportunities for enthusiasts to take part in some of researches and scientific project we carry out on a regular basis. We pay a lot of attention to teaching youth the basics of science, biology, chemistry and other disciplines in an exciting and entertaining way. That’s what the Ronaldo Science Laboratory has been about since 2005, when our first crime lab was born.

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Ronaldo Science Lab was established in 2005 with the goal this is marked out text of conducting scientific researches connected with actual issues that are important for our government, state, and society. Using up-to-date equipment and being guided by the latest scientific innovations, our laboratory conducts scientific researches and offers great opportunities for enthusiasts to take part in some of researches and scientific project we carry out on a regular basis. We pay a lot of attention to teaching youth the basics of science, biology, chemistry and other disciplines in an exciting and entertaining way. That’s what the Ronaldo Science Laboratory has been about since 2005, when our first crime lab was born.

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Ronaldo Science Lab was established in 2005 with the goal of conducting scientific researches connected with actual issues that are important for our government, state, and society. Using up-to-date equipment and being guided by the latest scientific innovations, our laboratory conducts scientific researches and offers great opportunities for enthusiasts to take part in some of researches and scientific project we carry out on a regular basis. We pay a lot of attention to teaching youth the basics of science, biology, chemistry and other disciplines in an exciting and entertaining way. That’s what the Ronaldo Science Laboratory has been about since 2005, when our first crime lab was born.

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Ronaldo Science Lab was established in 2005 with the goal of conducting scientific researches connected with actual issues that are important for our government, state, and society. Using up-to-date equipment and being guided by the latest scientific innovations, our laboratory conducts scientific researches and offers great opportunities for enthusiasts to take part in some of researches and scientific project we carry out on a regular basis. We pay a lot of attention to teaching youth the basics of science, biology, chemistry and other disciplines in an exciting and entertaining way. That’s what the Ronaldo Science Laboratory has been about since 2005, when our first crime lab was born.

Heading style 6

Ronaldo Science Lab was established in 2005 with the goal of conducting scientific researches connected with actual issues that are important for our government, state, and society. Using up-to-date equipment and being guided by the latest scientific innovations, our laboratory conducts scientific researches and offers great opportunities for enthusiasts to take part in some of researches and scientific project we carry out on a regular basis. We pay a lot of attention to teaching youth the basics of science, biology, chemistry and other disciplines in an exciting and entertaining way. That’s what the Ronaldo Science Laboratory has been about since 2005, when our first crime lab was born.

We see our work in not only educating youngsters, but also in pushing science forward and improving its current state. Everyone who works in the field of science knows about tiny amount of attention being paid to the development of modern science.

Ronaldo Science Lab was established in 2005 with the goal of conducting scientific researches connected with actual issues that are important for our government, state, and society.

Using up-to-date equipment and being guided by the latest scientific innovations, our laboratory conducts scientific researches and offers great opportunities for enthusiasts to take part in some of researches and scientific project we carry out on a regular basis.

We pay a lot of attention to teaching youth the basics of science, biology, chemistry and other disciplines in an exciting and entertaining way. We see our work in not only educating youngsters, but also in pushing science forward and improving its current state. Everyone who works in the field of science knows about tiny amount of attention being paid to the development of modern science. We are changing this with our activity.

Ronaldo Science Lab was established in 2005 with the goal of conducting scientific researches connected with actual issues that are important for our government, state, and society. Using up-to-date equipment and being guided by the latest scientific innovations, our laboratory conducts scientific researches and offers great opportunities for enthusiasts to take part in some of researches and scientific project we carry out on a regular basis.

We pay a lot of attention to teaching youth the basics of science, biology, chemistry and other disciplines in an exciting and entertaining way. We see our work in not only educating youngsters, but also in pushing science forward and improving its current state. Everyone who works in the field of science knows about tiny amount of attention being paid to the development of modern science. We are changing this with our activity.

We have recently finished our new project that includes deep research on behavior of cosmic rays, their way and purpose of elementary particles generation and how our environment can benefit from them. A group consisting from scientists and experts was involved in this research. Here are the results that we are ready to make public.


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... Zertifizierung

Nachhaltigkeit ist ein wichtiges Thema für unser Unternehmen.
Wir, als Holzfachhandel Mier, sprechen uns mit unseren Zertifizierungen FSC® (Lizenznr. FSC® C108302)
und PEFC (Registriernr. PEFC/04-31-2065) für nachhaltige, umweltgerechte und sozialverträgliche Forstwirtschaft aus.

> PEFC Zertifikat Holzfachhandel Mier

FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®)
Der unabhängige Verband FSC® setzt sich sich mit streng kontrollierten Kriterien für verantwortungsvolle Waldbewirtschaftung ein. Unkontrollierte Abholzung, Verletzungen der Menschenrechte und Belastung der Umwelt sollen vermieden werden, und die Waldfunktionen erhalten bleiben. Die strengen Umweltschutzauflagen berücksichtigen hohe soziale und wirtschaftliche Standards. Der FSC® ist eine gemeinnützige internationale Organisation, in der Umweltverbände, Sozialorganisationen, fortschrittliche Forstbetriebe und Unternehmen der Holzverarbeitung zusammenarbeiten mit dem Ziel, weltweit eine Verbesserung der Waldbewirtschaftung zu erreichen.

Weitere Informationen auf der > Website des FSC®

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes)
Der unabhängige Verband PEFC setzt sich ebenso wie FSC® für verantwortungsvolle Waldbewirtschaftung ein. Die festgelegten Standards des PEFC-Siegels enthalten strenge Richtlinien, die aufzeigen sollen, dass Unternehmen sich nachhaltig für die Umwelt einsetzen und mit dem wertvollen Roh- und Werkstoff Holz verantwortungsbewusst umgehen. Dabei werden sowohl ökologische als auch ökonomische und soziale Kriterien berücksichtigt. Das Zertifizierungssystem von PEFC ist weltweit anerkannt.

Weitere Informationen auf der > Website des PEFC